Future Developments
Planned for version 2.0.
- Agent Stats
- Browser/Num Accesses
- Default to ignore image accesses
- Referer Stats
- URL/list of referers/num accesses
- URL pattern/list of referers/num accesses
- Default to ignore image accesses
- Gross Stats
- Tallies for HTTP response codes
- New graphs: Accesses per day, Frequency of Items Requested. Domains excluding local accesses.
- Hyperlinks from Frequency of Items list.
- Hit and miss rates for hosts accessing (proxy stats only)
- IP number -> IP name translation (with user definitions)
- Addition of news, secnews, https to protocols proxied (proxy stats only)
- Cumulative Stats
- Basically the same as the gross stats section, but calculated over lifetime of stats, or a defined period.
- Traffic stats
- Essentially gross stats, but with the accent on byte volume
- User Stats
- Summaries based on the user field where it is used.
- Logfile support
- Apache with referer and agent logging
- Netscape
- Netscape proxy
- Extended Common Log Format
- WU-ftpd logs
- Incremental processing
- Add data from logfiles to pwebstats at any time (hourly, daily, whatever) and pwebstats will re-generate the output with the new data included.
- You’ll also be able to produce daily, weekly, monthly stats from the one set of data.
- Forms-based configuration
- Reading (and writing if you dare 🙂 config file from filesystem,
- and configuring with pop-up lists, radio buttons, all the fancy stuff.
- Configuration options
- Settings for:
- How many weeks to show on server usage graph & page
- How many items in ‘Top N’ lists
- Turn off/on just about every item
- User-configurable ‘domains’ – for domain graph(s)/list(s)
- Settings for:
- Stats removal
- The ability to remove the stats for a specific period from pwebstats, and then re-enter the data.
- Text/Postscript Reports
- Simple summaries that can be printed/emailed.
I’ll be changing to HTML tables for most of the
stuff that should be in tables. If you have a problem with this, please let me know.If you have another log format you'd like pwebstats to read, could you send me the name of the format/program that produces it, a few lines from a log, and any reference to the log format.